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sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

1st review: Super Metroid (SNES - part 1)

Super Metroid, or Metroid 3 (as is known in Japan) is an action-adventure video game and "the third game" in the saga. Designed by Nintendo R&E 1 and programmed by Intelligent Systems, it was released by the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) console during 1994 worldwide. It is one of the emblems of Super Nintendo, and also one of the best representatives of their genre... what I'm talking about, of video games in general!! Probably very few of those who once dared to descend into the depths of planet Zebes have never forgotten the experience lived there. But I will not anticipate the events so much, we are still in the first paragraph of the review of one of the most glittering jewels of the era in which the two dimensions (2D) still reigned in this world.

It all started in 1986 with the launch of the first Metroid. That game was responsible for laying the foundations of which emerge after an entire lineage of great titles, including not only we can count Nintendo franchise, but also to some deliveries of Konami's Castlevania (hence eventually they coined the term "Metroidvania" to refer to this class of nonlinear 2D adventures). Interestingly, this original Metroid, now a classic and indispensable in my collection, failed to get excited during the first contacts. The setting and approach were as attractive as devilish difficulty. But I can not deny that left an indelible mark on me and, in a way, prepared me to appreciate the taste of Super Metroid the day this came to my hands. The day that history was rewritten in the series for me, and for sure for lots of gamers around the world.

At that time I still had not had the luck of playing Metroid II: Return of Samus on GameBoy, or even know of its existence. That is why the red letters forming the name of Metroid 3 on a black background of the opening sequence caught me a bit by surprise. Although no more than the dead bodies that lay scattered on the floor of the title screen. A Metroid larva enclosed in a glass jar presided over a scene in which we realized immediately that something bad had happened. The shrill cries of the child were the only sound that accompanied the slow melody which eventually became one of the most recognized in the series. It was the symbol of the calm before the storm ever.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

A little of "history of games"...

           This topic might seem boring at the first sight, but it will not be as boring as you could think if you focused in the main topic that is video games. And more if it is going to addressed as a kind of introduction to video games itself.
Video games had their beginnings with the invention of the cathode ray tube amusement device, by the hand of Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann in 1947. Basically you're in control to a plane simulated by a CRT (C
athode Ray Tube) beam on the screen and with a control knob you could manipulated it, so you could "kill" to other planes generated with the same CRT beam. Unfortunately it never saw the light and the public never got to try it and enjoy its characteristics. Later in the 1970s and the 1980s video games reached a high popularity with the introduction of the arcade video games, home computer games and gaming consoles to the public. Since then until nowadays, video games have become one of the hottest entertainment devices for most of the world population, and an important part of mankind's modern culture. Video game consoles have "its own timeline" to put it in a way, which is divided by eight generations, with the seventh and the eighth currently in effect. The previous is for separate consoles by its capabilities and additions, according to the new technologies that developed.

"About" (or why I'm doing this)

Hi there!!!! :D I will start thanking you for taking your time on reading this little space of some little stuff about myself, and wishing that you can enjoy this as much as I do. 

            I could tell you more about me, but I will do it little by little, giving you some tips so that you can guess more or less how I am ;) BUT I will refer to myself as “panbert” for a lot of reasons, one of them (and the most important of all) is that a special person “baptized” me that way and still nowadays I conserve the affection I have with that person. Geographically speaking I’m from Chile. Maybe you had never heard about my country before (or maybe yes), but it is ok because you probably could learn more about it if you keep reading me ;). I am 24 years old, and I speak Spanish, English, some German and a little of Portuguese, the last two thanks to my University.  Also I have to say that I am an EFL teacher training course student, which means I will become a full-fledged English teacher in a near future.

This Blog will not be a formal blog, even when it is a task for one of my specialization courses. The teacher told us we can use any theme we like to start writing this, but I have to recognize to you I had a difficult time deciding it. “What should I write?”, “Will you like the themes?”, “What about if you will get bored with over time?” there was the common things I asked myself every day, until I realized I will talk about something it makes me choose the most important decisions of my entire life and the one I’m still conserving (try to guess what it is!): videogames. I love them, I just love them! Even I could marry them (joking!!) and I am happy to let the world know it. This blog would be about videogames and some interesting applications with them, and time by time I will refer to some main cultures in which they are inserted deeply (ahem! Japan ahem!), which I love so much, and sometimes about other king of stuff related to them. If the time permits me, I will recommend you some videogames of my own taste and doing some RE-reviews about some classics, and why not, of some new coming games too.

I hope in the end you will love them as much as I do, and better if I can change your mind about them, for good!

Good Luck, and see you next time!!